Workshop em Engenharia de RequisitosWorkshop en Ingeniería de RequerimientosWorkshop on Requirements Engineering
Anais do WER V. 16, 2013. Montevideo - Uruguay
@proceedings{WERpapers: WER13,
editores = {Nelly Condori Fernández, Leandro Antonelli },
title = {Anais do WER13 - Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos, Montevideo, Uruguay, Abril 8-10, 2013},
publisher = {},
ISBN = {978-9974-8379-2-8},
ISSN = {2675-0066},
year = {2013}
1 - Preface English - 16th Workshop on Requirements. Nelly Condori Fernández, Leandro Antonelli:Preface. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: Welcome to the sixteenth edition of the Workshop on Requirements Engineering series (WER 13) collocated at the Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CibSE 13) and to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay. WER 2013 continues with the tradition of previous editions, providing an active forum for researchers and practitioners. Although the workshop started as a meeting in order to consolidate the Ibero-American community of researchers on requirements engineering, over the last years, WER has also attracted attention of researchers from other parts of the world as well.
2 - Quality Properties Evaluation for Software Requirements Specifications: An Exploratory Analysis.. Roxana Saavedra, Luciana Ballejos and Mariel Ale. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: Most software problems arise from deficiencies in the manner in which software requirements are elicited and expressed. Ensuring that the Soft-ware Requirements Specification document (SRS) has the necessary quality is crucial to the success of any software development project, since its information is used across all project stages. However, assessing the quality of a SRS is not a simple process, mainly by the multitude of proposals, often contradictory, of the attributes to be evaluated and the methodologies used for that purpose. This work is intended to be a compendium of the most important tendencies and strategies in the field that serves as a starting point for developing comprehen-sive models and tools for quality attributes evaluation in a SRS.
3 - Analyzing the Use of an Enterprise Model as a Stakeholder Requirements Model: An Experiment. Fábio Levy Siqueira, Paulo Sergio Muniz Silva. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: There are several possible representations for stakeholder requirements, such as goal models, scenarios, and natural language. This paper analyzes the use of an enterprise model as a stakeholder requirements model. We conducted a quasi-experiment with 29 graduate students who received either a textual problem statement or an enterprisemodel, representing the stakeholder requirements, and refined it into use cases, representing the software requirements. The subjects were evaluated considering the use case quality and the time spent, for two different scopes. The results indicate that the mean quality of the use cases created using an enterprise model was equal to or greater than the mean quality of the use cases created by the other groups. In addition, the mean time spent to create a use case using an enterprise model was equal to or less than the mean time needed for the other groups.
4 - Introducing Use Cases in a small Organization: An Experience and Lessons Learned. Dolors Costal, Xavier Franch, Luis Delgado and Carme Jiménez. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: In this paper we report the adoption of use cases by a small organization in a university setting. Use cases were first introduced in the middle of a huge project and adopted thereafter for later projects. The paper mostly focuses in the first experience, whose most interesting characteristics were the large size of the resulting specification, the fact that it took place once the project had started (for documentation purposes instead of driving the development) and the limitation that resources allocated were not as much as required. We present the lessonslearned from this experience.
5 - 25 years of Requirements Engineering in Brazil: a systematic mapping. Karolyne Oliveira, João Pimentel, Emanuel Santos, Diego Dermeval, Gabriela Guedes, Jaelson Castro, Fernanda Alencar, Carla Silva, Cleice Souza and Monique Soares. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: The celebration of 25th anniversary of the Brazilian Symposium of Software Engineering (SBES) as well as the forthcoming Requirements Engineering Conference to be held in Brazil for the first time, has led us to have a closer look at the local Requirements Engineering (RE) Community. A systematic mapping was performed in order to find out the main Brazilian research groups, authors as well as their topics of interest and publications with greatest impact. This information may be useful for those that do not know well the local requirements engineering community, such as local newcomers or foreign researchers. It may also help to identify potential groups for collaboration. Similarly, it may provide valuable information to assist local agencies when granting research funds.
6 - GT4CCI: An Approach Based on Grounded Theory for Crosscutting Concerns Identification in Requirements Documents. Larissa de Alencar Sobral, Lyrene Fernandes da Silva. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: When crosscutting concerns identification is performed on the activi-ties involved in requirements engineering there aremany gains in terms of qual-ity, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. However, despite these gains, this identification faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it and the difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is often made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes and evaluates an approachbased on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in requirements document. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better modularize the requirements document, make it more consistent, detect possible failures and improve traceability among requirements, adding significant gains in terms of quality and reliability to crosscutting concerns identification and to requirements engineering.
7 - A Semi-Automatic Strategy to Identify Crosscutting Concerns in PL-AOVgraph Requirement Models. Maíra Medeiros, Lyrene Silva and Ana Luisa Medeiros. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: The Requirements Engineering area faces problems because the requirements are often ambiguous, incomplete or confusing. These points are commonly obscured by the natural language, which abstracts the complexity of interactions among requirements. However, these interactions need to be an alyzed because they influence on how the software development life-cycle activities can be modularized from a well formulated and concise requirements description. In this context, PL-AOVgraph is an aspect-oriented requirement modeling language, which offers support to represent relationships among concerns and provides separation of crosscutting concerns. However, in order to identify these crosscutting concerns in PL-AOVgraph, there are only some heuristics, which help analysts to perform this activity manually. Therefore, this paper proposes a semi-automatic strategy to identify crosscutting concerns in PL-AOVgraph models. This strategy is based on analysis of an adjacency ma-trix composed of the relationships among requirements. In order to evaluate this strategy, a case study is applied.
8 - Una estrategia de integración de Modelos de Objetivos con Análisis Comunicacional. Maria Carmen Leonardi, Roxana Giandini. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: El Analisis Comunicacional (CA del ingles Comunicational Analysis) es un metodo basado en la comunicacion para elmodelado de proceso de negocio y requisitos que propone el analisis de lossistemas de informacion desde una perspectiva comunicacional. Este metodo se basa en analizar los flujos de informacion. En un contexto de desarrollo To-Be, donde no se cuenta con documentacion previa para analizar, este tipo de perspectiva puede ser complementada con un modelo motivacional, comenzado el proceso de analisis desde una perspectiva de objetivos de la organizacion, hasta llegar a modelar lo que se quiere hacer concretamente. Este trabajo propone una estrategia de integracion entre CA y un modelo de objetivos. Esta integracion permitira captar la intencionalidad y objetivos de la organizacion en sus diferentes niveles de abstraccion, dandole racionalidad al sistema y alineando los procesos con los objetivos.
9 - Uma Abordagem para Engenharia de Requisitos no Domínio de Software Embarcado. Milena Rota Sena Marques, Eliane Siegert and Lisane de Brisolara. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem para engenharia de requisitos orientada a modelos para o dominio de software embarcado. Para suportar a modelagem e a gerencia dos requisitos são utilizadas as linguagens de modelagem UML, SysML e o perfil MARTE, todos padroes da OMG. Desta forma, a abordagem permite a completa modelagem de requisitos funcionais e não funcionais frequentes no dominio de sistemas embarcados, alem da gerencia desses requisitos desde a especificacao ate a validacao. Um estudo de caso e usado para demonstrar a abordagem proposta.
10 - Uso de sinônimos na identificação de atributos de transparência. Joas Baia, José Luis Braga. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: A transparencia e um principio democratico que permite aos cidadaos buscarem informacoes sobre fatos e processos. Nesse contexto, ocorre o aumento da demanda por transparencia nas relações humanas. A transparencia de software e um requisito nao funcional que engenheiros de software precisarao demonstrar a medida que a sociedade exigir transparencia em suas relaçoes, pois essas relacoes sao automatizadas pelos sistemas de software. Diante da importancia de demonstrar a transparencia nos processos de informacao, propoe-se nesse trabalho verificar a presenca de atributos de transparencia em modelos de requisitos de software representados com o Framework iStar, utilizando os termos que representam os requisitos e tambem seus sinonimos mais conhecidos. O modelo de requisitos e analisado utilizando uma base de dados contendo sinonimos dos atributos de transparencia, em adicao aos conceitos do iStar para identificar esses atributos.
11 - Correcciones semánticas en métodos de estimación de completitud de modelos en lenguaje natural. Claudia Silvia Litvak, Graciela Dora Susana Hadad and Jorge Horacio Doorn. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: La Ingenieria de Requisitos tiene como objetivo producir requisitos de alta calidad, poniendo especial interes en la completitud de los modelos elaborados. Establecer si la informacion elicitada y modelada es suficiente para construir un software que cubra las necesidades del cliente es una cuestion de dificil respuesta. Existen algunos intentos realizados en ese sentido, tal como una adaptacion del metodo decaptura-recaptura para estimar el tamano de modelos de requisitos escritos en lenguaje natural. Basados en dicho trabajo y considerando la naturaleza de estos modelos, proponemos introducir un analisis semantico previo a estimar el tamano, dado que el metodo predictivo solo contempla aspectos formales y cuantitativos. Dicho analisis semantico estudia la relevancia, pertenencia, sinonimia y homonimia del contenido textual del modelo. Comparando los resultados estadÃsticos detrabajos precedentes contra los obtenidos realizando correcciones semanticas, concluimos que estas son beneficio-sas para la estimacion dela completitud de modelos en lenguaje natural.
12 - Retrospective and Trends in Requirements Engineering through the WER. Joselaine Valaski, Wilian Stancke, Sheila Reinehr and Andreia Malucelli. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: This work refers to the review of 258 papers published in the WER throughout 15 editions. This review´s goal was to identify the most active re-search groups within this workshop, the most debated topics and the trends in the Requirements Engineering area. The results showed that Brazil, Argentina and Spain hold the most active groups. Moreover, the results pointed out the re-quirements modeling as one of the most discussed topics in this event.
13 - Buenas prácticas en la especificación del dominio de una aplicación. Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Julio Leite and Alejandro Oliveros. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]
Abstract: La ingenieria de requerimientos es un area critica en el desarrollo de software y particularmente lo es la especificacion de requerimientos. Se pueden construir productos tecnologicamente adecuados perosi ellos no cumplen con los requerimientos carecen de utilidad. Sin embargo, no es una tarea sencilla el construir una especificacion correcta que describa y logre transmitir el conocimiento, necesidades y deseos de los stakeholders. Por este motivo, es necesario contar con guias que faciliten la tarea de escribir especificaciones de requerimientos. En este artÃculo, se presentan una serie de guias que tienen por objetivo mejorar la descripcion del Lexico Extendido del Lenguaje (LEL). La identificacion de las guias se realizo durante un ejercicio de escritura del LEL en donde se recurrio a la literatura para identificar las guias a aplicar como buenas practicas, y finalmente se realizo un experimento para verificar la interpretacion de las especificaciones realizadas utilizando las buenas practicas propuestas.