Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos
Workshop en Ingeniería de Requerimientos
Workshop on Requirements Engineering

Anais do WER V. 15, 2012. Buenos Aires - Argentina

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@proceedings{WERpapers: WER12,
  editores = {Alejandro Oliveros, Antonio de Padua Albuquerque Oliveira, Gladys Noemí Kaplán},
  title = {Anais do WER12 - Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abril 24-27, 2012},
  publisher = {},
  ISBN = {978-987-1635-46-7},
  ISSN = {2675-0066},
  year = {2012}

1 - Prefácio em Português / Preface English / Prefacio Español

1 - Prefácio em Português - Anais do 15o. Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos. , . pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]


2 - Preface English - 15th Workshop on Requirements. , . pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]


3 - Prefacio Español - 15° Workshop sobre Ingeniería de Requisitos. , . pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]


2 - Papers

4 - A model-driven framework to integrate Communication Analysis and OO-Method: Supporting the model transformation. Marcela Ruiz, Sergio España, Óscar Pastor, Arturo González. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Models are now part of an increasing number of engineering processes. However, in most cases, they are confined to a simple documentation role instead of being actively integrated into the engineering process. The model-driven development approach considers models as first-class entities and also considers tools, repositories, etc. as models. In order to take full advantage of these ideas, model transformation emerges as a main activity. Model transformation aims at supporting the production of target models from a number of source models. Following the model-driven development paradigm, we propose a model-driven framework to integrate Communication Analysis (a communication- oriented business process modelling and requirements method) and OO-Method (an object-oriented model-driven development method). This integration framework is composed of two stages: diagramming support and transformation support. This paper describes the second stage (the first stage was described in previous works). Phases, tasks, technological support and examples are presented. Finally, we conclude with an analysis and discussions about lessons learned and an evaluation proposal to assess the usability of the transformation module.

5 - Deriving requirements specifications from the application domain language captured by Language Extended Lexicon. Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, Alejandro Oliveros. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Understanding the context of a software system during requirements specification is a difficult task. Sometimes application domains are very complex, other times the limits of the application are fuzzy. Thus, it is difficult to elicit and write the initial set of requirements. This difficulty frustrates requirements engineers and restricts the process of analysis, which could lead to a final software requirement specification of low quality. In such situations technologically outstanding software systems can be built, but they may fail to suit the needs of the client. Hence, clients are unsatisfied and development projects fail. In this paper we propose a strategy to use the application domain language captured by the Language Extended Lexicon in order to obtain different products related to requirements specification. Products vary from classic requirements which state the system shall… to products such as Use Cases and User Stories. The strategy focuses on obtaining the initial set of functional requirements. We believe that by minimizing the gap between the problem and the initial set of requirements, we provide engineers with a preliminary product they can work on and refine to reach the quality needed.

6 - GERSE: Guia de Elicitação de Requisitos para Sistemas Embarcados. Jaime Cazuhiro Ossada, Luiz Eduardo G. Martins, Bárbara Stefani Ranieri, Anderson Belgamo. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: The projects with embedded systems are used for many different purposes, being a major challenge for the community of developers of such systems. As we benefit from technological advances the complexity of designing an embedded system increases significantly. This paper presents GERSE, a guideline to requirements elicitation for embedded systems. Despite of advances in the area of embedded systems, there is a shortage of requirements elicitation techniques that meet the particularities of this area. The contribution of GERSE is to improve the capture process and organization of the embedded systems requirements.

7 - Improving the Quality of Software Requirements Specifications with Semantic Web Technologies. Verónica Castañeda, Luciana Ballejos and Ma. Laura Caliusco. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: A good software requirements specification (SRS) offers a number of benefits which include: being the contract between customers and suppliers, reducing the development effort, being a good basis for estimating costs and planning, a reference for verification and validation, and a basis for the identification of possible improvements in the analyzed processes. Mainly due to the lack of information and differences in interpretation between all those involved in the development of an information system, a good SRS is very difficult to define. In this paper, an approach based on Semantic Web technologies for defining a good SRS is presented. The main component of this approach is an ontology called OntoSRS that preserves the consistency, correctness, traceability, organization and unambiguity of a SRS. In addition, an application example is discussed.

8 - Market-aware Requirements. Romina Torres, Hernan Astudillo. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Traditionally, non-functional requirements (NFRs) are speci ed as measurable entities to permit evaluation satisfaction; however, NFR speci cations quickly become obsolete because (1) NFRs are expressed in numbers, (2) architects specify them using the correct values at design time, and/or (3) providers are constantly improving their o er, in terms of functionality and quality of service (QoS). The computingwith- words approach has already been proposed to replace numerical NFR speci cations, where natural language words denote fuzzy quality levels; unfortunately, current proposals provide only for design-time, stakeholder-de ned translation of words as numerical ranges.We propose a mechanism to automatically and dynamically determine current numerical ranges of the fuzzy quality levels from the available data, without human intervention, whenever changes to component QoS speci cations. Our main contribution is allowing architects to specify their requirements using words only once (at design time), and whenever providers change components QoS characteristics, automatically update those requirements to the new market view, enabling market-aware requirements. The approach was validated by measuring the number of times that necessarily a requirement had to be rewritten at runtime in order to get new operationalizations which replace the now older ones. We use a set of ten complex requirements, a dataset of 1500 actual Web services with precise measurements for nine QoS aspects, and a simulated o ering variability. A Web-based prototype is also made available.

9 - Melhorando a Ferramenta JGOOSE. Mauro Brischke, Victor Francisco Araya Santander, Ivonei Freitas da Silva. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Um dos grandes desafios no desenvolvimento de software está em garantir que modelos funcionais tais como casos de uso em UML sejam desenvolvidos considerando intencionalidades expressas em modelos organizacionais. O uso de ferramentas computacionais pode facilitar este processo. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta uma nova versão da ferramenta JGOOSE (Java Goal Into Object Oriented Standard Extension), a qual permite gerar de forma automatizada casos de uso UML a partir de modelos organizacionais construídos via framework i*. Esta nova versão da ferramenta adiciona funcionalidades essenciais tais como, permitir alterar e salvar descrições textuais de casos de uso e gerar diagramas de casos de uso no formato XMI.

10 - Modelo Intencional Genérico de Sistemas Biométricos. Jacqueline Abreu do N. T. Rodrigues, Nathálea Salem, Vera Maria B. Werneck. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Biometric systems have been presented in various environments. These systems are widely used in many situations, with emphasis to attend security non functional requirements. The study of essential processes executed by these systems could identify which are the functional and nonfunctional requirements for systems that handle biometrics. This work presents an intentional model using the i* framework that covers functional and non functional requirements and the relations between the actors involved in these processes. Therefore, we have proposed a generic intentional model that can be specialized for any biometric device, composing a reusable instrument that can be refined depending on the area in which the system must be applied.

11 - Modelo matemático y procedimiento para evaluación por complejidad de los requisitos software. Karina Pérez Teruel, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vásquez, Ing. Karel Fernandez Cedeño, Sasha Valdes Jimenez, Ing. Daimara Mustelier Sanchidrian. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Requirements Engineering provides an important basis for estimating time and effort in software development projects. Software requirements give a significant measure of product size to be developed. The University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) has an estimation method, which, in order to gain accuracy, incorporates a second estimate after the requirements phase to have more detailed technical input. This requirement shall be classified according to the complexity they bring to the software implementation. This article details a mathematical model for the classification of complexity in software requirements and a tool designed to facilitate the process of assessing the requirements on software development projects at UCI.

12 - Uma Apoio Sistematizado à Implementação do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Requisitos do MPS.BR e CMMI a partir do Uso de Ferramentas de Software Livre. Ewelton Y. C. Yoshidome, Maurício R. de A. Souza, Wallace M. P. Lira, Sandro R. B. Oliveira, Alexandre M. L. de Vasconcelos. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: To meet the market demands and ensure competitiveness, the search for quality has become a strategic goal for many companies, so the search for quality models becomes necessity. In this context, this paper proposes a tool support for implementation of Requirements Development process included in MPS.BR and CMMI programs, exclusively using free software tools, analyzing adherence to the maturity programs and trying to reduce the time and cost of its implementation.

13 - Verificação de Requisitos de Transparência em Modelos iStar. Joás Weslei Baía, José Luis Braga, Leonardo Fonseca de Carvalho. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: A transparência de software é um requisito não funcional que os engenheiros de software precisarã o demonstrar à medida que a sociedade exigir transparência nas relações com seus representantes, pois essas relaçções são automatizadas por software. Nesse sentido a verificação da presença de transparência em modelos de requisitos de software é a abordagem utilizada nesse trabalho. Esses modelos representados com o framework iStar são verificados utilizando a linguagem CLIPS através da aplicação de regras de produção implementadas a partir das características do iStar que possibilitam identificar os requisitos de transparênncia. O modelo de requisito é inicialmente representado no formato iStarML e transformado em fatos formando assim a base de dados do sistema de verificação. Essa base de dados é submetida juntamente com a base de conhecimento ao motor de inferênncia CLIPS para extrair da especificação de requisitos o conhecimento implícito sobre os requisitos de transparênncia.

14 - Bula de Software: Uma Estrutura Definida para Promover a Melhoria da Transparência em Software. André Luiz de Castro Leal, Eduardo Almentero, Herbet Cunha, Henrique P. Sousa, Julio Cesar S. do P. Leite. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: This article presents a novel proposal for software documentation that is founded on package insert (patient information leaflets) for drugs. The objective of our proposal, called Software Bula, is to provide for users and developers software information that are at the same time clean and well structured and organized.

15 - AIRDoc-i*: um processo para avaliação de modelos i*. Cleice Souza, Fernanda Alencar, Gabriela Guedes, Monique Soares, Cláudia Souza, Ricardo Ramos, Jaelson Castro. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: A linguagem i* descreve ambientes organizacionais em termos de atores e suas dependências. Ao descrever estes ambientes organizacionais, precisa-se conhecer e compreender a linguagem. Muitas vezes isso não ocorre, acarretando erros por mau uso da linguagem relacionada com a semântica. Assim, faz-se necessário avaliar documentos de requisitos descritos em i*, com o intuíto de identificar estes erros. Este trabalho realiza uma avaliação através de um processo chamado: AIRDoc-i*. Tem como objetivo identificar erros semânticos em documentos de requisitos i*. Ajudando o engenheiro de requisitos a usar a linguagem i*.

16 - Extending the 4-Variable Approach to Cyber-Physical Systems: A Practical Experience. Leo Ordinez, Omar Alimenti, Emilia Rinland, Marisa Gomez, Jorge Marchetti. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: Cyber-physical systems are a new research discipline that involves many areas. The key concept behind this discipline has to do with a strong interaction between the physical world and a computing system, which should be transparent to an external observer. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the system’s behavior is due to the influence of the environment or the actions of the computing system. In this paper, a requirement analysis approach for these systems is presented. It is called 3D Approach and it is based on the well-known 4-Variable Model. The 3D Approach came out as the result of systematizing practical experiences taken from the design of a biodigester.

17 - O Processo de Engenharia de Requisitos sob a Ótica da Gestão de Processos de Negócio. José Henrique de Melo Cardoso, Adicinéia Aparecida de Oliveira, Fernanda Alencar. pp. , DOI . [pdf] [scholar]

Abstract: This paper presents an approach where the process of RE is seen as a business process, and introduces principles of Business Process Management (BPM) in order to increase its performance. Initially, the traditional process of ER is considered, according the SWEBOK, as the initial model (As Is). Then a desirable process (To Be) is defined and modeled, with the introduction of strategic and performance management principles. The first provides an increased effectiveness for obtaining the requirements alignment with organizational goals and business process. The second allows a process quantitative control by measuring and monitoring of performance indicators parameters.
